Topic outline

  • Data Management: NERC
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    Below you can see the overview of the topics available in this module. To get full access to the contents, please login. 
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  • Topic 1: The NERC Data Environment

    The resources in this topic focus on introducing you to the NERC data policy, and what data are considered valuable by the organisation.

    We recommend you go through the presentation first, as it highlights the most important parts of the policy from a researcher's perspective. It also introduces a theme that runs throughout this module, which is understanding your responsibilities vs the help you can expect to receive from the NERC data centres and other groups (such as your organisation).

    The other resources here are links directly to various NERC resources intended to support researchers.

    Learning Outcomes
    • Explain the specific requirements that the NERC Data Policy places on NERC funded researchers.
    • Apply the process for identifying data of long-term value.

  • Topic 2: The NERC Data Centres

    Learning Objectives:

    • List the NERC data centres and understand their remits and requirements.
    • Identify the data centres(s) most relevant to your area of research.
    • Describe how to find data of relevance to your research.

  • Topic 3: Depositing Data with the Data Centres

    Learning objectives:

    • Identify which is the right data centre for your data.
    • Explain when it might be more appropriate to lodge your data with a non-NERC data centre.
  • Topic 4: Data Management Practicalities in NERC

    The resources in this topic include a presentation on Data Management Planning and a set of example templates, guides from NERC and examples from 2 of the data centres to help you better understand both how to write the required documents, and also the value of them to you, your project, and the institutions you work with.

    Learning objectives:

    • Identify when NERC requires the production of a data management plan.
    • Describe the process for producing both an outline and a full data management plan.
    • Identify when NERC will fund the purchase of data in support of research projects.
    • Describe the NERC approach to the management of physical samples, specimens, software and model code.
  • Topic 5: Making Data Openly Available

    Learning objectives:

    • Explain the reasons why open data is a key element of robust scientific reseaerch.
    • Explain the key constrains that can apply to openness of data.
    • Idenfiy how long the NERC Data Policy allows you to work up your data before having to make them openly available
    • Describe the process for obtaining a NERC issued Digital Object Identifier for a data set.